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? a posé la question dans Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · il y a 12 mois

Why would she accept her ex’s friend request?

She was ditched by him like an old towel with no explanation whatsoever, and he’s waltzed back into her life saying sorry and telling her he still loves her. 

She’s accepted his friend request and I just don’t know what to do about it.

3 réponses

  • il y a 12 mois

    If she's allowing him to say things like "I still love you", it's kind of a red flag that she's accepting him back into her life and on social media.

    I'd just have a conversation. If they're regularly talking, explain you're not comfortable with it.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 12 mois

    calm down. it doesn't mean she's gonna jump back on his d*ck. it's called being mature and forgiving. it's just a stupid friend request...

  • Ana
    Lv 6
    il y a 12 mois

    She’s adding him because he plans on getting back with him, obviously… Unfortunately for you…

    You should dump her immediately, because if you don’t she’s going to dump you soon anyway.

    At least if you dump her first, then you can look cool and maintain your pride and dignity and other girls will know not to f*uck with you like that

    Also if you dump her now, she might beg you back, and then you can leverage that to make her delete the guy off of Facebook.

    But if you do nothing, it’s going to allow her to communicate with her ex, and then when they both realize that they want each other back, you’re not gonna be able to do anything about it. So you need to act now, before they start really talking

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