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? a posé la question dans Computers & InternetHardwareMonitors · il y a 12 mois

Which is the best computer tracking software for parents to monitor their kids' computer activities?

3 réponses

  • ?
    Lv 7
    il y a 12 mois

    your eyes. if you don't have time to watch them, you should not have had kids.

    absolutely zero kids should be left on their own on the internet. itxs like leaving them in New York City in a dark alley.

    and this is from an IT person! i know what i'm saying.

  • il y a 12 mois

    EMPMonitor is freemium excellent monitoring software that tracks the time spent & multiple activities by the kids on the Internet.

    Many parents prefer this software rather than other software.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 12 mois

    unless it's to keep them on task during studying, don't. just white list sites as needed. this preserves their sense of Privacy and Autonomy without actually giving them more than slight Internet Liberty.

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