Le 4 mai 2021, la plateforme Yahoo Questions/Réponses fermera. Elle est désormais accessible en mode lecture seule. Aucune modification ne sera apportée aux autres sites ou services Yahoo, ni à votre compte Yahoo. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur l'arrêt de Yahoo Questions/Réponses et sur le téléchargement de vos données sur cette page d'aide.
Is anyone else out here IRRITATED by having to click through the reCAPTCHAs 3-4x per question answered??? Tell YAHOO to stop irritating us!?
7 réponses
- Anonymeil y a 2 ansRéponse favorite
Put your cursor on the purple cogwheel and click "feedback". Nobody yahoo/verizon monitors the question-boards.
I get the impression that the captchas have reduced the number of non-answers though
- Anonymeil y a 2 ans
I get irritated when it posts the same question twice.
- DanielLv 7il y a 2 ans
its Annoying but Its to stop Spammers and Bots they have been getting out of Control Lately
and I guess Yahoo has no other Choice to stop them but to Add Captcha's
- ?Lv 7il y a 2 ans
It amazing how you people complain about everything like little kids. You don't want the bots and you complain. They come up with a way to stop them and you complain. Plus why tell other members to tell Yahoo. Why are you not telling Yahoo? This site is not a message board to Verizon Media or Yahoo.
- Anonymeil y a 2 ans
Yes. Very irritated. And the pictures are so crappy you can't always tell what they want.
- JudyLv 7il y a 2 ans
YES!!!! I assume it's their 'solution' to the robots asking questions repeatedly. I'd rather have the robots.
- ?Lv 7il y a 2 ans
NOTE TO YAHOO!ANSWERS: It's hardly worth my time if I have to go through multiple screens clicking on reCAPTCHAs just to submit 1 answer, This recent addition of adding multiple layers of reCAPTCHA screens is going to discourage people from using your site!!