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? a posé la question dans Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · il y a 3 ans

We haven’t spoken in 2 weeks, but this happened?

My GF and I haven’t spoken in 2 weeks.

However, on Monday I visited my best friend and his sister, who’s one of my GF’s friends, told me this: “I saw C (my gf) during the weekend, she said she’s going to come down to M (my town) because she hasn’t seen me in a while”

What’s going on?

1 réponse

  • Anonyme
    il y a 3 ans

    Lol you clearly don't understand what boyfriends/girlfriends are more than just friends? Since you haven't spoken in 2 weeks you guys don't have a relationship anymore! Maybe she wants you back and is coming to see you?

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