Le 4 mai 2021, la plateforme Yahoo Questions/Réponses fermera. Elle est désormais accessible en mode lecture seule. Aucune modification ne sera apportée aux autres sites ou services Yahoo, ni à votre compte Yahoo. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur l'arrêt de Yahoo Questions/Réponses et sur le téléchargement de vos données sur cette page d'aide.
5 réponses
- Anonymeil y a 3 ansRéponse favorite
The posts you refer to come from spam bots, but one or more humans are programming them. They are being paid by the company they are posting for, to enhance search engine optimization for that company (or so it appeared when the posts began a month or so ago). We don't know when or if Yahoo will take action. All we can do is report them, ignore them, or leave YA. The posts are ALL OVER the site. Hopefully they will be dealt with soon. MANY questions have been asked about this already (it amazes me so few people think to check in the Answers category to see if a problem with the site has already been addressed). The site's been heavily flooded with them since the weekend of 7/7/18.
- DanielLv 7il y a 3 ans
They are Spammer Bots just posting to Bother and Annoy other people not much we can do but just Ignore them
- Anonymeil y a 3 ans
You can email Yahoo for that info and if trying to get service fluent in this language I encourage you to go here--https://hk.yahoo.com/
- SamLv 4il y a 3 ans
I think it's that creepy troll who found a way to annoy us even further. I noticed he's not been around to ask his disgusting and often pathetic questions. You can flag all day and it doesn't change a thing.