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Who is this religious troll who has taken over the Travel Italy section, and could YA please BAN this fool?
6 réponses
- WISE OWLLv 7il y a 5 ans
It isn't just in the Travel Italy section. This person has posted his or her ravings as answers evenly all over Yahoo questions, and not only the English section. Always the same blurb and posted on any subject however irrelevant. I have reported this numerous times but it seems as if reporting is completely ignored these days and the Yahoo rules can be infringed with impunity. Courtesy has also flown out of the window and people get away with unpleasant replies such as the contribution above which would have been castigated two or three years back. You may have noticed that most of past regular contributors now have deserted this forum, the standard of which has dropped spectacularly and they have moved on to others where both questions and answers have gravitas and explanations are sound and informed.
- Anonymeil y a 5 ans
Why dont YOU get off Yahoo Answers stupid Irish girly?
Your misinformed answers on Turkey and other European issues make me vomit !!
Is your Intelligence Quotient only 2 digits instead of 3?
- Anonymeil y a 5 ans
You are the dumbest person on yahoo answers
- Anonymeil y a 5 ans
here's an idea your tiny brain may not have thought of: WHY DON'T YOU CONTACT YAHOO ABOUT HIM INSTEAD OF ASKING THIS POINTLESS QUESTION???????????
SECOND: why do you even care?? block him and move on instead of whinging on the internet. get a freakin life you sad case
- Anonymeil y a 5 ans