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doglover a posé la question dans HealthGeneral Health CarePain & Pain Management · il y a 6 ans

i have a question about my headaches. had these problems since I was in first grade always had heaches. went to many doctors.?

3 réponses

  • Anonyme
    il y a 5 ans

    Headaches are symptomatic of so many different problems, it's really impossible to tell without a more in-depth description of your symptoms. If your headaches come in waves and then go away for months at a time, then return once a day for three weeks or something, they may be what are called cluster headaches (that's what I have) There is no definitive known cause, so all the medications that doctors prescribe are for treating the symptoms. Since most headaches arise from spasms in the blood vessels supplying the brain, the medications they currently prescibe cause either a constriction or relaxation of blood vessels, but you have to be very careful with these because this affects your blood pressure, and it could result in a heart attack. (See what I have to look forward to?) The best advice I can give is to live healthily: keep hydrated (I get headaches when I'm dehydrated), eat a balanced diet, be sure to get your eyes checked to ensure you're not getting eye strain, and keep track of what you're doing just before a headache comes on; if you see a pattern, you might be able to identify "triggers" that bring them on more often (some people get immediate headaches after drinking red wine, for instance) Good luck, and I hope you find something that works for you.

  • il y a 6 ans

    well heres my story. I had headaches at least three times a week and they would last until I threw up or took advil. advil stopped working so I moved to Excedrin migraine It worked and my headaches stopped for a while then came back to three times a week. once freshman year started I ended up taking two Excedrin pills everyday for the next four years. my headaches became rebound headaches I would wake up every day with a headache if I didn't take it n worst headaches then ever before. every doctor tried to break my cycle they couldn't, I actually broke it on my own I took one pill for three days then I cut it in half for three days then I stopped compelty I was good for a while then my headaches came back but I refused to get addicted again to those pills I didn't want to start a cycle. so I took two advil every 6 days bc that's when I got a headache. I started to drink coffe everyday haven't took advil only once a month if I get a bad headache but I still wake up everyday with a headache but if I drink coffee I wont have one but now its getting to the point where I need two cups or more a day to function of I get a migraine and throw up and cant handle the pain. I mean im glad I don't take pills anymore because it was causing pains and running my body but I don't want these headahces anymore and now I moved onto coffee. so now I know its not just my cycle I have real headaches always did always will but I don't want to live with headaches anymore or wake up everyday worrying about having one. I don't have money for all these doctors. but now I have to drink coffee in order to not have a headache but I rather do that then take pills and damage my liver. but I would love to just wake up one day with no headache. its weird my whole life my headaches were bipolar. from conastant to none to sometimes to always it sucks. I etheir don't need anything or need a reliever or sleep or nothing at all. but lately only coffee helps if I don't I end up throwing up from the pain. I refuse to take pills. I just don't want headaches anymore. yes at first for the past four years its been rebound headaches but I broke that cycle for a year now and now I know I still get headaches n I need a cure.

  • il y a 6 ans

    Ok, so? Doctors don't always identify a problem properly, and some of them are dumber than they ever want to admit.

    Maybe you need to try another doctor, maybe you need to identify your symptoms better.

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