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Lv 5
? a posé la question dans Education & ReferencePrimary & Secondary Education · il y a 6 ans

Will my new classes transfer from my school when I move to Florida?

I'm moving to Jacksonville, Florida from southern California and we are currently registering for our classes for next year at my school. I'm a freshman and I've signed up for AP European History, Enhanced Math 2, AP English, French 3, and I might end up in Honors Chemistry. Our forms are due in April and I really like how well my classes came out--but since we're moving, I'm worried I won't be able to get classes such as these at my new school (if they offer them of course). If my new school had all these courses, would they just transfer over for the beginning of the school year?

1 réponse

  • il y a 6 ans

    Your transcript will go with you and they will review it and exempt you from any classes that they feel meet the criteria and match the curriculum of their classes.

    Source(s) : College student who has transferred to several different colleges
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