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SNOOP LION a posé la question dans HealthGeneral Health CareInjuries · il y a 7 ans

Torn Calf Muscle, Broken fibula?

May 22, i broke my fib

Blunt force

Its been about 7 weeks

I was in a boot, no boot now

I just tried a job, dosnt hurt

Though i can tell its not like my other leg

Will my calf come back as strong as it was before?

Is it good to exercise torn mucsle?

Stretch it?

How do i know when its all the way healed?

Thank you!

1 réponse

  • il y a 7 ans

    with time your calf muscle will be good as new as long as you take it easy and ease into your jobs. things don't happen over night and I know we would like them too but they don't. you can reinjure the muscle if you over do it . it is good to stretch the muscle because you do not want the muscle to shrink. give it a good 6 months for recovery.

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