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John W
Lv 7
John W a posé la question dans HealthDiseases & ConditionsDiabetes · il y a 7 ans

A horrible case has just unfolded?

A child was just found emaciated from complications due to type 1 diabetes. The parents did not believe the diagnosis of diabetes by the Doctors in BC and falsified glucose readings ordered by the court, then moved to Alberta where the health authorities were unaware of the problem. None of their children, were publicly educated and within their ethnic community newspaper, they viewed government actions as discriminatory against their culture. I'm horrified that this could happen. But it seems a bit more then just a lack of understanding about diabetes as the parents never allowed any of their children to be publicly educated. Are these parents monsters or just foolish?

The article from the CBC seems neutral to the parent as it outlines the BC judges description of mistrust between the social worker and the parents plus the distrust the parents had with the government of where the came from but the Sun articles only describes their actions with their children. Can there even be excuses for such neglect?




Mise à jour:

Note: The child was found dead.

3 réponses

  • Anonyme
    il y a 7 ans
    Réponse favorite

    John W---

    Thank you for relaying to us that unfortunate situation. I had not heard about it until now. I feel so sad that the poor child died due to its parents. In reading many Yahoo Answers, I cannot help but wonder where some of our children's parents are--for it seems like some children don't have anyone to talk to and to consult with some very serious problems. I will pray for them.

  • Cammie
    Lv 7
    il y a 7 ans

    These parents are monsters.

  • il y a 7 ans

    these parents are beast in human version

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