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Chris H a posé la question dans TravelCaribbeanCuba · il y a 7 ans

I want to go to Cuba but can't find?

a site to book a flight. I know that I can not do it in the US and that is fine. I don't mind flying to Cancun first and then making an entirely new reservation. I have only found one site that is remotely helpful, but the rates are outrageous at $1,000/day (without airfare). FMS and CMS. People do this all the time, right? How?

5 réponses

  • il y a 7 ans
    Réponse favorite

    you can not use any American travel site such as travelocity or orbitz.

    You can either go directly to the Canadian airlines or to a Canadian travel site such as travellastminute.ca

    Check out



    Air Transat


    Air Canada

    These will all have all inclusive resort packages and typically they are around $1,000 to $1,500 per person per week air fare included from Toronto

  • ?
    Lv 6
    il y a 7 ans

    If you are searching for these flights within the U.S., they will not show them to you. You can thank Kennedy for that.

    Most Americans just fly to Mexico City or Canada, then book a flight from there.

  • il y a 7 ans

    Just saw on the news about the 1st flight out of Key West, FL in 50 years.

  • il y a 7 ans

    There are no flights from Cancun to Cuba. You have to fly from Mexico City to Cuba. My friend just did it a few weeks ago. all flights from Cancun to Cuba have been dropped.

  • il y a 7 ans

    Do the search via a non-American travel website. Sunwing.ca, flightcentre.ca, etc., etc. It is much easier to do it via Canada, but possible through other countries by booking the second leg of your travel through a Canadian website.

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