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Frédéric a posé la question dans Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · il y a 7 ans

What are the ingredients of the freemason initiation bitter drink?

During the AASR initiation, the candidate is invited to drink a sweet-bitter drink. What are the ingredients (receipe) of this brevage?

7 réponses

  • Eric S
    Lv 6
    il y a 7 ans
    Réponse favorite

    Nothing like that happens in AASR. There is a bitter wine drunk during the Knights Templar initiation, it is a Memento Mori - a reminder that some day you will die. Just wine & vinegar.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    il y a 7 ans

    There is no "sweet-bitter drink" in the Freemason initiation. In fact there is no drinking (or eating) anything involved in the Freemason initiation.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    il y a 7 ans

    Here in England,we do not drink anything during any Masonic meetings.

    I am a Freemason

  • Anonyme
    il y a 7 ans

    They haven't done that in decades son.

    You might want to talk to a current member, their rites have undergone a VERY big chance since the last century.

    Heck, they even posted their initiation ceremony on You Tube...

  • il y a 7 ans

    It seems you have been reading erronious exposes of Freemasony and the Scottish rite. Either that or you fell for the Dan Brown effect.

    Source(s) : I am a Freemason and a Scottish Rite member.
  • il y a 7 ans

    You have been misled. Stay off YouBoobTube if you want to learn real things.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    il y a 7 ans

    I bet it tastes like awesome. Unless its some frat house thing where it's like "DRINK THIS DRINK MADE FROM THE TEARS OF THE GODS THEMSELVES" and then they're rolling on the floor laughing because you just drank their piss.

    "Welcome to the club"

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