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Stap a posé la question dans Arts & HumanitiesVisual ArtsPainting · il y a 8 ans

The inexisting artworks?

Hi all !

I am actually working on my thesis, and since *sometimes* you need to do something else, I was wondering if there exists websites concerning invented/inexisting artworks ?

I make me clear : I am not speaking of anonymous people doing art, and considering themselves at the *inexsitance" of artwork, BUT artworks which are not existing in our reality, but a making sense in movies, for example (that is the case with an inexisting Modigliani tattoed on the back of Jean Gabin which was the plot of a 1960's movie).

Thanks for your help !

1 réponse

  • il y a 8 ans
    Réponse favorite

    Maybe you could mix up your arts as well,,,In the musical 'An afternoon in the park with George' (Sondheim), they perform the actual frieze of the painting by Seurat .'Un apres midi a la grand jatte' Amazing image that last for a few seconds before the curtain.

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