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gianlino a posé la question dans Science & MathematicsMathematics · il y a 8 ans

Probability in a square pyramide?

In the following question


just replace a cone C with a pyramide P with square base.

Again the question is to determine the probability that by picking 3 points randomly in P, the corresponding squares have pairwise non-empty intersections.

I expect the answer to be slightly smaller than in the cone version, which has been estimated to be around 0.115

I am interested in theoretical or numerical answers.

Mise à jour:

@Michael: Great. Your answer suggests 23/210 as a possible exact value. I extended the deadline for possible theoretical answers. As you suggested it's a little messy. At any rate we know what we should get! Thx

Mise à jour 2:

@ Michael. I don't get 23/210 but 491/4480 instead.Thas is 0.1095982... and is still quite close to your simulation.

1 réponse

  • Anonyme
    il y a 8 ans
    Réponse favorite

    Suppose the pyramid has a square base defined by [-1, 1] x [-1, 1], and the top vertex is the point (0,0,1). Perhaps the only analytically interesting thing I can say about this problem is how to generate a point (X, Y, H) uniformly distributed over the pyramid: The random variable 1-H has a density that grows quadratically over [0,1], and hence its cumulative distribution grows cubically. So:

    -Generate F uniformly over [0,1].

    -Define H = 1-(F)^(1/3).

    -Generate X independently and uniformly over the interval [(H-1), (1-H)].

    -Generate Y independently and uniformly over the interval [(H-1), (1-H)].

    You now have (X,Y,H) uniformly distributed over the pyramid. =)

    In my simulation of 10 million iterations, using (rand()*1.0/RAND_MAX) in C to generate a random variable uniform over [0, 1], I get:

    E[H] on a point generated over the pyramid = 0.249978 (exact is 1/4)

    E[H^2] = 0.099979 (exact is 1/10)

    Fraction of time squares 1 and 2 intersect: 0.349832

    Fraction of time squares 1 and 3 intersect: 0.349881

    Fraction of time squares 2 and 3 intersect: 0.349986

    Fraction of time [Square 1 and 2 intersect] AND [Square 1 and 3 intersect] AND [Square 2 and 3 intersect] = 0.109451

    The incorrect numbers I reported earlier were because my program was using the C command "abs()" for absolute value, when I just learned I should use "fabs()" as the previous one forces the output to an integer! Perhaps someone else could also simulate to verify...?


    An exact answer for the probability of square 1 intersecting square 2 can be computed as follows: Let H_1 and H_2 be the heights of each square, being independent and identically distributed with density f_H(h) = 3(1-h)^2 for h in [0, 1].

    Let (X_1, Y_1) and (X_2, Y_2) be the centers of each square, where (X_1, Y_1, X_2, Y_2) are conditionally independent given (H_1, H_2). Then:

    Pr[intersect] =

    int_{h_1} int_{h_2} Pr[|X_1-X_2| <= h_1 + h_2]^2 9(1-h_1)^2(1-h_2)^2 dh_1 dh_2

    Define Q(h_1, h_2) = Pr[|X_1-X_2|<= h_1 + h_2]. I believe the answer is:

    Q(h_1, h_2) =

    {1 , if h_1 + h_2 >=1

    {1 - (1 - h_1-h_2)^2/((1-h_1)(1-h_2)) , if 0 <= h_1 + h_2 < 1.

    Doing the double integral gives Pr[intersect] = 7/20 = 0.35, a good match for my simulation of 0.349832.




    I believe the exact answer to the question of pairwise non-empty intersections is:

    value =

    int_{h_1} int_{h_2} int_{h_3} 27(1-h_1)^2(1-h_2)^2(1-h_3)^2G(h_1, h_2, h_3)^2 dh_1 dh_2 dh_3


    G(h_1, h_2, h_2) =

    Pr{|X_1-X_2|<=h_1+h_2 AND |X_1-X_3|<=h_1+h_3 AND |X_2-X_3|<=h_2+h_3}

    The value G(h_1, h_2, h_3) is basically the probability that 3 random intervals have a non-empty intersection. I think G(h_1, h_2, h_3) can be computed, but it seems very complicated.


    @Gianlino: Yes, 23/210 would be a good guess.

    Another idea: Note that G is defined over the cube [0,1]^3, and:

    G(h_1, h_2, h_3) = 1 if h_1 + h_2 + h_3 >= 2.

    Computation of the G function in the remaining case might be possible if one imagines the cube [0,1]^3, cuts it in half to consider h_1 + h_2 + h_3 < 2, and observes some nice properties of the geometry. Note that G(h_1, h_2, h_3) should be invariant to permutations in the arguments, similar to the 2-d case for Q(h_1, h_2).

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