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pourriez vous me corrigé mon texte svp ?
bonsoir , notre prof nous a demandé de réaliser un texte sur la contrefaçon et ceci en anglais , ayant un niveau moyen ... j'aurais besoin d'une aide , merci de bien vouloir me corrigé mes erreurs , voici mon texte :
it's because there are people who think that conterfeit products have avantages , that conterfeiting widespread and invade markets
this people don't think about consequence and don't know that these products in spite of their luxury appearence are of bad quality and do not last.
more than a waste of money , conterfeit products represente a danger for health of consumers , in medecines , ans exess of active ingredients can kill !
synthetic clothes can cause allergie wich can be very dangerous
bad electronic composant can entrain a seriouce failure.
conterfeiting is also a menace for the economy and the reputation of the country , the best exemple is china , wich is known now for their large choice of conterfeit and bad quality products
to finish , encourage conterfeiters , is like encourage thief , worse , it's like kill ingeniosity and creativity.
j'accepte toute critique , merci pour votre aide ^^
1 réponse
- il y a 8 ansRéponse favorite
It’s because some people think that counterfeit products have advantages.
These people don’t realize the consequences of buying counterfeit goods. Indeed despite their attractive luxurious appearance, the products are of poor quality and don’t last a long time.
In addition to the waste of money for the customer, counterfeit products represent a danger for consumers in terms of health because counterfeit goods contain some dangerous toxic chemicals.
Moreover, synthetic clothes may cause allergies too.
Counterfeiting is also a threat to the country's economy and reputation.
China is the most famous example of widespreading counterfeit all over the world.
Finally, we can say that encouraging counterfeiters is like encouraging thieves. It destroys ingenuity and creativity.
Source(s) : http://fac-city.blogspot.fr/