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Stap a posé la question dans Home & GardenMaintenance & Repairs · il y a 8 ans

Typewriter platen stuck?

Hi !

I have recently bought a portable mechanical typewriter from the 1930's, and beyond some rust to remove, it was okay, the platen and everything was working well.

(i.e., for me, non english native speaker, the platen is the black roll around which the paper is "wrapped").

A few day ago, I was working on removing the rust on the fonts, and the platen was working. At the end of the day, without having touched to it, the platen was stuck, blocked : it wouldn't roll.

I have tried everything. Nothing seems to be broken, and I haven't found any transport button which could block the thing. So everything is looking fine.

Indeed, it's not working...

Any clue ?

Thanks a lot !

Mise à jour:

Thanks for your reply.

How do we remove the platen on a Olympia Progress though ?

1 réponse

  • Jim W
    Lv 7
    il y a 8 ans
    Réponse favorite

    Remove, clean and replace the platen. The problem may be in the carriage return lever has some obstructions.

    Source(s) : Life
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