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Sandyspacecase a posé la question dans Home & GardenMaintenance & Repairs · il y a 8 ans

In-ground pool question?

I have a in-ground plaster pool which I am still learning how to take care of it. Today's question is in regards to a pool brush. Which is best to brush down the pool with? A nylon brush, or a stainless steel wire brush? Which is the appropriate brush to use and why one over the other?

Sorry, I guess this turned into two questions. I have no one to answer my questions but you all, and thank you!

1 réponse

  • Anonyme
    il y a 8 ans
    Réponse favorite

    You do NOT want to use a steel brush on plaster, as it will cut it and eventually destroy it.

    They should only be used on hard glazed surfaces like tile, and even then only when absolutely necessary, as they can damage the grout.

    Source(s) : Common sense!
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