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What MK is VW Golf SE 1999 Q6l?
I got myself a used golf in Good condition, I can hardly hear engine (commonly thinking its off, good brakes clutch and everything. I want to buy air filter plus on previous polo I used to do repairs myself.
I am looking for a service kits, But they are divided into MKI to MK VII
Is SE mk VI or something else?
q61 is a typo
it is meant to say 1,6L CC Hatchback
1 réponse
- NeilLv 7il y a 8 ansRéponse favorite
A 1999 Golf should be a Mk IV.
The "SE" trim level also suggests it is a Mk IV, as the trim levels for the Mk III were L, CL, GL, GTi, while for the early Mk IV (in the UK) the trim levels were E, S, SE, GT, GTi.
You can tell them apart by looking at them - each generation is a slightly different shape.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Golf for pictures of each.