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Lv 7
? a posé la question dans HealthDiseases & ConditionsInfectious Diseases · il y a 8 ans


I just read the Yahoo news on "Susan Griffiths’ appointment with death: Ailing Winnipeg woman commits assisted suicide in Switzerland" ....


I shall do the same in future. What is your opinion and your choice ?

2 réponses

  • il y a 8 ans
    Réponse favorite

    異地強秦後人 - There is no one right answer for all. Each person should be allowed to decide, if possible, based on their individual circumstances. I am an elderly person who has considered this matter. IF I had a painful, incurable disease, my first desire would be to take whatever pain relief medicine is legal and available to remove the pain. Then I would accept my limited remaining time to continue to tell my loved ones how much I love them, and wait for the end - possibly. The only exception is that if my end-of-life care is so expensive that it would take away all that I have saved for my needy family in order to pay medical bills, then I would prefer to die sooner, comfortably, with assistance, if needed.

    Source(s) : a physician
  • il y a 8 ans

    I understand this is a choice some people make, but if it was me, I would live out my life with the pain, avoid intrusive treatments or processes and go out quietly and naturally.

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