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pikkdogs a posé la question dans HealthDiseases & ConditionsInfectious Diseases · il y a 8 ans

Should I see the doctors about my sore throat?


I am just getting over an ear infection. I went to the doctors three days ago to get ear drops. The medication is working, but I just developed a sore throat.

This is not like any sore throat I had before. Besides being sore, whenever I drink something I feel that I have little pins in the back of my throat poking me.

I think that perhaps the infection spread from my ear to my throat. Will it go away by itself like most sore throats, or should I go to the doctors right away?


3 réponses

  • ?
    Lv 7
    il y a 8 ans
    Réponse favorite

    take some tylenol

    and gargle with salt water

    and suck on throat lozenges

    if it continues, or get a fever

    see a doctor, you could have strep

  • il y a 8 ans

    If it is strep throat, it will NOT go away with out an antibiotic. I would most definitely see a doctor.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 8 ans

    Gargle with salt water (for two days..about 3x a day). One cup Warm water and a teaspoon of salt.

    If it persists after that, then yes.

    :) Also look for any discoloration/spots/markings in your throat.

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