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Do you people realize that some of your questions and answers are a danger to a persons life?
One time a speaker at a business meeting explained that we should be very careful how we deal with certain individuals. He went on to explain how on Monday he was talking to a person about how to join his company. Tuesday that person killed himself because he did not feel able to do the job. Some farmer killed himself because a part broke on his tractor just when he needed it for harvest. A mother (on dope), put her child in the microwave oven because her boyfriend did not want the baby around. These stories are mild compaired to other things done to people (or people have done to themselves) over the years.
My point to all this is some of you folks think it's funny to come back with smart answer or statement to a serious situation where the individual is really looking for help and or advice about something very important to them. Maybe in their world there is no one around to help except their laptop. It's almost like an addiction where you feel completely alone. Just like you are the first and only person in history to have a drug or drinking problem that effects every part of your life.
When is the last time you went to a Senior/Old Folks Home to visit a family member? Tell you what young person... the day is coming faster than you think when YOU will be in a place like that. Then you'll get your payback when no one comes to see you.
2 réponses
- il y a 9 ansRéponse favorite
I agree wholeheartedly!! I have thought the same.... I would say most of the questions on here are serious and then you have some that are just "trolling" or mocking.... For those that are serious... if they make a spelling error it could be because they are crying while writing or so angry that they are not paying attention.... Grow up trolls!!
- Anonymeil y a 9 ans
of course