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MeowMeowJ a posé la question dans Consumer ElectronicsLand Phones · il y a 9 ans

How to hang up 2 lines on Nostar phone, when they are blocked to each other?

2 lines on, Cant hang up (NOSTAR)

I forgot how a conference works.. so i tried to test it with my own lines... i ended up blocked 2 of my lines because i press "ris (lib)" the orange button.. So now i have 2 of my own line on.. with each other.. and i can not find a way to end the call of it.. i have 4 line instead of 6.. can someone help me to hang up my own 2 line? because basically noone is using it... its just on to each other...

1 réponse

  • Carl N
    Lv 7
    il y a 9 ans
    Réponse favorite

    Fastest way? Find the cabinet and UNPLUG it. It drops the conference.

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