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Why do some people look for the approval of total strangers on this site regarding their dating preferences?

" i only date white women/black women/midgets/white men/black men/idian men/ one legged men/ unicorns/vampires...whatever..

Mise à jour:

@ Bunny Queen : i spend more time on the IMDB forums now...

3 réponses

  • il y a 9 ans

    They are not actually in a relationship and want to anonymously find out what people think. Could be because they are experimenting and it's not really working out. They could be looking for validation or a way to break up the relationship. Why would anybody talk about their personal life here unless there are underlying problems or uncertainties?


  • Anonyme
    il y a 9 ans

    Hey you are back, havent seen u in a while on here lol

    honestly i dont need approval from anyone on my preference of men, i have never wanted or desired to date anyone besides black anyway. And im ok with that

    I think people who seek approval are usually interracial daters and generally they are suffering from some sort of psychological problem as well..

  • Anonyme
    il y a 9 ans

    HAHAH Because they want bad advice

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