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MeowMeowJ a posé la question dans HealthOptical · il y a 10 ans

I hate allergy. Am i still safe for Lasik surgery?

I have pollen allergy.. my eyes itches often.. Am i still safe to do the lasik surgery? I'm scare that i might rub them without noticing it.

and if i open my eyes in the water (pool).. by accident, would it damage the eyes too?

1 réponse

  • il y a 10 ans
    Réponse favorite

    after the 1st say week of healing from lasik...you can rub your eyes all you want to and go in a pool to your heart's content. neither of those would "damage" you in any way.

    if you could ruin it by rubbing your eye, millions would have already done so! just have to be careful in the beginning

    Source(s) : optometrist http://myeyepod.blogspot.com/
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