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Pamela V a posé la question dans HealthMental Health · il y a 1 décennie

She has overly sensitive Hearing and always angry is she mentally ILL?

I live in a Senior Apt. Building We have 6 lounges and she lives next door to me. She hears me moan in pain, She becomes angry if she can hear another neighbors TV. while were are sitting in our lounge. We don't hear it but she does . She knocks on peoples doors to tell then to turn it down. She gets angry at my other friend for rocking in the rocking chair because the sound upsets her. She gripes and complains all of the time, she is never happy, she flies off of the handle if you disagree with her. She is only 67.Is sensitive hearing a Sign of a mental Illness? If so what would it be? Or are the 2 separate issues? How can we deal with her anger?

2 réponses

  • Marie
    Lv 7
    il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite

    I know for a fact that she has P.T.S.D. now don't get me wrong she could have other disorders alone with this, but she sure does have that, on a day that she seems to be more in a peaceful mood, ask her about ti, and go prepared with info for her in-case she does not know about it. AND DO PRAY FOR HER, she doesn't want to have this, maybe you can heel her deal with it in a better way = )

    Source(s) : lol you know me = ) and I usually sign "mom" and nurse = )
  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    My sister has the exact same problem. She lies on the floor and starts screaming if things get to loud. EVEN IN PUBLIC! What it is, is they can't hear every third word and background noises are louder than what they are trying to liisten to so it would be like someone coughing in the background being as loud to them as a Molly Hatchet concert. Just get her in a quite room you can get white noise machines and earplugs and it isn't mental illness.

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