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Aaron a posé la question dans Computers & InternetHardwareLaptops & Notebooks · il y a 1 décennie

i recently found my old ipod.. trying to get songs on my current laptop?

heres the deal.. i have a 5th gen 60 gig ipod.. has 2000 songs on it. I was able to get my songs off the ipod by showing hidden folder, etc...then copying to my hard drive.. i think it was about 6 gigs.. anyhow, there were dozens a folders, and came across a few sites saying if you add to the "Automatically Add to iTunes" folder, it will auto import your music and sort it accordingly.. well after opening itunes, the folder is now empty, and my hard drive never freed up the memory.. any idea where the music went?

and why is apple so retarded? they make it such a hassle to get my songs off my ipod. probably 200 cd's i ripped about 5-6 years ago and by the way..

Mise à jour:

please note.. the settings in itunes says my music folder is "C:\Users\me\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media".. my music is NOT there

1 réponse

  • il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite

    It added the songs. When you put it in that folder and open iTunes it automatically moves those songs into the music folder under itunes according by artist and album.

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