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Shouldn't we just repeal Beer's law, Kirchhoff's law, Planck's law and the law of exponential decay?
New Republican congress. Global warming is history. Yahoo!
6 réponses
- pegminerLv 7il y a 1 décennieRéponse favorite
There idea is not to repeal them, the idea is to drive anyone that understands them out of the party as "RINOs" (Republicans in Name Only). They'll be happy when the only "scientists" left in the party are the creationists.
Source(s) : A registered Republican for most of my life, until they got too stupid - david bLv 5il y a 1 décennie
I'm sure they'll try.
Although they'll probably try repealing the laws of thermodynamics since that's the root of all of their problems.
I actually disagree a bit with Pegminers notion that the Republican party got stupid, in fact I think the Republicans are 100% perfectly aware of just how gullible and submissive the public can be, especially when it comes to "gawd" and are exactly where they want to be with the middle-American proletariat eating out of their hands under the guise of patriotism, faith, founding fathers and what ever other dogmatic crap you hear these people spouting off every day.
- Anonymeil y a 1 décennie
Laws of physics dont work like that. Good effort though.
- berenLv 7il y a 1 décennie
Those laws are made up by liberal scientists to control us and to take away our money and freedom. Glenn Beck will tell us what to believe.