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11 réponses
- Anonymeil y a 1 décennieRéponse favorite
Its St Jameson Day.
- il y a 1 décennie
I would reply with "Happy St. Patrick's Day!" And then I would check if you're wearing green. If you're not wearing anything green, I might pinch you. That's the tradition in the United States, where I'm from. (I would *not* say, "Merry St. Patrick's Day." People usually just use "Merry" in "Merry Christmas!")
Source(s) : I'm a teacher of English as a Second Language (ESL), my specialty, of course, being American English. - il y a 1 décennie
I would ask if you are feeling ok haha as never heard anyone say merry only for Christmas...
Source(s) : Irish - il y a 1 décennie
respond with "The british say 'merry' on holidays, and since this is an Irish holiday you say 'happy.'" then i would ask you the response to the greeting "Top o' the mornin' to ya."
- il y a 1 décennie
I would say he hasn't proposed but if he does I'll sure be one lucky lady.
Source(s) : The portion of mind filled with terribly cheesy puns