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Can you help me to find an idea for a homework?
Hi everybody and thank you in advance for your help. I work in a junior high school and today, two schoolboys fought (they slapped and punched each other) so they will be in detention.
I have to find a homework that they could do together during their detention so that it could make them think about the seriousness of their acts and/or possibly make up? They are 13 years old.
Do you have any idea?
Many thanks.
3 réponses
- il y a 1 décennieRéponse favorite
role play- they have to write it from your perspective and they would have to think about how you felt.
Include: How did the start? Who started it Could he have prevented it? What will he do next time he is in another situation. Does he need to say sorry for something that was his fault?
- il y a 1 décennie
Well if I were in your situation I would make them write 2 or 1 A4 pages about why they done this and do they think it was ok to do this, what should they say to each other and think about it in the future!
- il y a 1 décennie
Make them write about why they did what they did and how the other person would feel by them doing it. Or if they are friends make them write about how much they mean to each other and the good times that they have had.