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Where can i get my ears pierced if underage in NYC?
So this is going to be my first piercing and I want to know where I can get it pierced without an id or a parent.
Can you also tell me the exact address and price of it if possible.
4 réponses
- Anonymeil y a 1 décennieRéponse favorite
It's against the law for a piercer to pierce a minor. You will need parental consent.
Just wait until you are 18.
- ?Lv 4il y a 5 ans
what component to your ear? it rather is the 1st question I rather have if its earlobe you dont choose a dignature or something. If its the different component to your ear you decide on a parent or mom or father signature in case you're decrease than that age of 18. you will possibly desire to easily ask your mom becasue they at the instant are not elementary to disguise as a results of fact which you cant take them out for the 1st month a minimum of. good success