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Windermere a posé la question dans Computers & InternetInternetGoogle · il y a 1 décennie

Does Google Earth 64 bits really exist ?

Hi, I have 64bits Win7 laptop and I have been searching for the 64bits version of google earth. even if I found several forums which mention it. I could not find any download. On the google earth download page there is no choice. I have nevertheless downloaded and install it. It appears that it is the 32bits I have installed. Even if it runs under 64bits, the memory usage is limited. Does any one know if Google has actually released a proper 64bits version ?

Thank you

1 réponse

  • ranten
    Lv 5
    il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite

    Does it really matter?

    As long as the GoogleEarth that you downloaded works on your comp that's perfect.

    If Google wanted you to have a 64Bit version or even an 8Bit version, or a 16Bit version, or a 32Bit version, they would have made the bloody things.

    Trust me Google knows what its doing.

    And don't even ask if you need a 64Bit browser.

    Source(s) : Common sense
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