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I'm french and I'm moving to Florida, where and how to look for a job?

I have the green card to work. Some degrees in accountancy and management, I'm good in sales and communication but with a french accent...

How to found a first job to get started ?

Is there some short term jobs agencies ?

I'm moving in Tampa Bay ?

What's new there in the job market ?

What can I expect and where to found the ads ?

Some advises ?

Thanks !

3 réponses

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite

    With your accounting degree, sign up with a major office headhunter/employment agency such as appleone.com or voit.com since they hold a virtual monopoly in this field of work. Also check out www.indeed.com for university and government jobs.

    Good luck!

  • il y a 1 décennie

    Hi, search for a francophone (french speaking) organization in or near that city. They will have some expats you can talk to and give you some tips. Meetup.com has tons of them.


  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    Simplest and quickest path to make easy money on the internet (after all, you can't earn anything if you don't start) Market your business and be at the top NOW, stop wasting your hard earned money and get started making REAL CASH Please follow the link. http://www.10easygooglesteps.info/

    keep using answers.yahoo.com

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