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Lv 7
LucySD a posé la question dans Politics & GovernmentOther - Politics & Government · il y a 1 décennie

Has anyone besides me missed seeing this video?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeYscnFpEyA?

The guy is 100 % correct because he is speaking about the American that give the wrongs of our country lip service but won't speak out to the politicians and tell them. They just rant on Yahoo! Answers.

Mise à jour 2:

Which guy are you talking about?

Mise à jour 3:

corrected URL above

Mise à jour 4:

You are out of touch with politics It "We the People" that were called Arrogant and dismissive and cowards by none other than the President and Eric Holder.



Now when you speak make sure you know you know what You're talking about.

3 réponses

  • Rick
    Lv 7
    il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite

    I saw that a couple of months ago = Great and Valid points.

    You SHOULD enjoy the latest release :

    Open Letter to President Obama


    Any plea to Obama falls on deaf ears. He is owned and controlled by the Super Rich Elitists Progressive Billionaires that are destroying our economic system while betting against US.

    Look up these organizations:

    George Soros’s Democracy Alliance:


    Soros Engineered Run on bank to Scare Bush into Bail Outs:





    To validate this - Think why Ben Bernake & Tim Geithner are still on the payroll? Soros ordered Obama to keep them on.

    I believe these leftist thinking financiers are also on Soros's payroll as well as Hank Paulson.

    They were the ones instrumental in Scarring Bush into the 'bail outs; - which Soros knew would destroy Bush and set up more controls over our economy. Bush apologized for the bail outs - knowing he did the wrong thing - but that was never widely reported.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    This guy is a self-important jackass.

    I'm talking about the imbecile in the colonial costume who thinks that he is smarter than I am. I hate people who assume that they understand things that they don't actually understand, and then have the nerve to call others ignorant or cowardly.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    I agree with keeping congress in check...or I should say getting congress under control.

    We should not be complaining amongst ourselves...they (congress)should be answering to us...not giving themselves and failed companies raises and bonuses...

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