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Melkiha a posé la question dans Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · il y a 1 décennie

What's your favorite Dean Koontz book?

I'm thinking of reading a few of his books.

I know he's a very popular author and the only book I read was awful (The Darkest Evening of the Year).

Still, I want to give it a try.

2 réponses

  • il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite


    The Funhouse

    House of Thunder

  • il y a 1 décennie

    It depends what interests you and what aspects of the writing you consider to be most important. Like you, I haven't read much by this author. Although I''m well versed in mysteries and suspense novels, I was never that interested in books by Koontz.

    At the moment, I'm reading "The Good Guy". http://www.readysteadybook.com/BookReview.aspx?isb... True, it's not great literature. However, it does start with an uncommon premise that pulls the reader in. The protagonist is a likeable hero, and the plot includes an element of romance. It's definitely easy to read and moves along at a fairly quick pace.

    See if you like any of his other titles here: http://www.deankoontz.com/books/

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