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what is a good game where you are a sub and sink boats?

or you are a boat that sinks subs

4 réponses

  • Réponse favorite

    silent hunter

    there are several 3 and 4 are great

  • il y a 1 décennie

    There's an old game called Silent Service that puts you in a US sub in the Pacific during WWII. It's a complicated game, but you really get into it. It was for the old NES, but they may have updates it.

    Source(s) : I played it every day for, like, 2 years.
  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    Battlefield Midway, i think thats what its called. You control planes boats subs and all that fun stuff

  • ?
    Lv 4
    il y a 5 ans

    Erm Mark B - are you an fool? The conflict of england grow to be over a 12 months in the previous the U. S. entered the conflict and it grow to be the British who stored Britian from the Germans. i hit upon the jap front the final - noticeably the conflict of Stalingrad and the conflict of Berlin.

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