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Melkiha a posé la question dans Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · il y a 1 décennie

What books have you hated?

Sometimes we fall for the hype. I don't know how I could read those Twilight books or Eat, pray, love. Argh! Truly stinkers.

Mise à jour:

Yup, sometimes we just don't seem to "get" those books everybody else loves or pretends to.

20 réponses

  • il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite

    Twilight by Stephenie Meyer- I saw nothing original. The plot was cliche, the characters were two dimensional and dull, and the writing style was very average/mediocre. I fail to see why it has become so popular

    The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini- He wrote it when he was still a teenager...and it shows. There's really nothing original about the plot (a mix of Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Pern, and a few others). The characters were flat and the purple prose was terrible.

    Shadowmancer by Taylor GP- Stereotypical and frankly kind of boring. One of the only books I never finished.

    The last two Harry Potter books (The Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows) by JK Rowling- Now, I love Harry Potter, but I didn't like the last two books. They had their good points, but all in all, they felt rushed and lacked the charm and complexity the first five books had. And the epilogue was horrible.

    I'll stop there for now. Just to get something straight, I LOVE fantasy, vampires, magic, and that kind of stuff, so I have nothing against the genres of the books.

  • il y a 1 décennie

    The Twilight series - do I need to explain why? Guess not!

    Shadowmancer - as somebody above mentioned. It's one boring, badly-written book. I don't understand how it became such a sensation. I remember getting it for my sis' birthday after reading all those critics. Probably I got the wrong one because the one we read was simply awful.

    Eat pray love - how did such a whiner get to be a best-selling author? It that's spiritual enlightment, I'll pass!

    The Da Vinci Code - well, I didn't hate it but it was really insulting to my intelligence. I did laugh with it a lot.

    Anything by Tom Clancy - no need to explain myself here either!

    I felt kind of idiotic by not digging Ulysses by James Joyce. I thought I was not smart enough, well-read enough, educated enough. Turns out a lot of people neither care nor understand it and yet keep saying what a wonderful book it is. C'mon, let's be honest.

    The last Harry Potter book was not definitely what I expected.

    And Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. She's one of my favorite authors but in this one she simply put me to sleep several times. Her preaching and her virtuous, dull characters made me gag. Nothing like her other wittier novels.

  • il y a 5 ans

    Im an atheist: The Qua-ran is certainly not a "hate-filled book" nor is Islam a "hate filled" religion. Have you read the Qua-ran (albeit a translation)? I do not know of any religious texts that advocate hate. And yet it would be ridiculous to suggest that all wars, terrorist attacks, murders etc. were perpetrated exclusively by atheists. The problem is that the world is populated by people, who are not, really very nice things! I do not believe that Muslims are responsible for every terrorist attack that has taken place ("The Troubles" in Northern Ireland?). Is it universally accepted by non-Muslims that "the Muslims" are behaving far worse than the "Jews"? It should also be pointed out that it is the (nominally) Christian countries that have invaded the Muslim countries - I do not think it has ever been seriously suggested that Afghanistan Muslims or Iraqi Muslims were planning to invade Britain.

  • il y a 1 décennie

    In college, I truly hated Moby Dick. The first few chapters, when everybody is still on land, aren't so bad, and I thought everyone else in the class was just belly-aching.

    Then they got on the boat.

    I tried everything to get through it, including reading in the bath tub to get that seafaring feeling, but I never got through it. I learned that I had better graduate because I would never find success as a shrimper (my area's answer to whaling). I guess even a terrible book teaches the reader something.

  • il y a 1 décennie

    I hated all the Gossip Girls and all its little spin offs. The books are trashy and very superficial.

    I also don't like Stephen King novels.. I read several and they aren't scary... just always psychological based and very predictable. Especially the book The Shining... it's around 700 pages long... and I stopped at pg 550 because nothing was happening and when I skipped to the end, I was so disappointed that I stopped reading the book despite reading 550 pages.

  • il y a 1 décennie

    The Old Man and the Sea is the most boring book I have ever read in my entire life. It didn't help that we were going over it with the most boring teacher in the world.

    And I hated the ending of The Pearl because the baby get's killed.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    A Wrinkle in Time, Twilight and New Moon, Rumblefish, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and anything by Roald Dahl.

  • s d
    Lv 6
    il y a 1 décennie

    I could not, could not, could not stand a book called "Heat" by Carl Deuker. I have no idea why I even picked that book because I hate baseball (sorry to all of the diehard fans). I did, however, force (and I do mean force) myself to read the entire book.

  • asdf
    Lv 5
    il y a 1 décennie

    Then We Came To The End by Joshua Ferris

  • il y a 1 décennie

    A book i have hated is Wringer because its like the most sad and twisted book ever. Know why? Heres Why:

    Ok theres this town and the town sport is killing pigeons and they shoot them down and if thier not dead you have to wring thier neck. Snd then this little boy finds a pigeon thats hurt and nurses it back to health and like loves the thing but on the killing day he accidentaly leaves his window open and his dad makes him shoot at the pigeons and when her picks the one he shot its his and he has to wring its neck. SEE???? How friggin messed and sad is that!!!

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