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SyLVaIn ® a posé la question dans ÉducationSoutien scolaire · il y a 1 décennie

Correction de traduction ?

Pouvez vous me corriger :

I go today you speak about Marcus Garvey

Marcus Mosiah Garvey is a black man of Jamaican origin been born in August 17th, 1887 to Saint Of Ann Bay. It is a black leader of the XXth century and is considered as a prophet by the Rastafarian movement ( religious Movement).

A prophet is a character considered as the messenger, the messenger of a divinity, come to prevent, warn or reveal the "truth" to a human group or to all the peoples.

He(It) arrives to the United States in 1916 or he meets movements to emancipate Afro-américain. Next year he the United Negro Improvement association association. It becomes a figure of the cause black.

Installed in Harlem between 1918 and 1922 it is known all over the world.

Mise à jour:

He joins the class struggle in his way. He supports Ho Chi Minh, Gandhi, and greets respectfully the work of Lenin and Trotski. But whereas Trotski considers as essential the unification of all the oppressed men, and it without dividing them by the color of the skin, the vision of Garvey passes by the race at first, a doctrine " black radical nationalist " who sets him(it) against the movements intégrationistes of left. Not believing that Afro-américains could live free and respected outside Africa, he wants to unify the Blacks internationally, And demand the right for the "repatriation" in Africa (in Libéria mostly) Afro-américains of any countries.

Condemned for swindle to the company Black Star Line. He(it) is exiles it in Jamaica or he becomes héro national. He dies in London in 1940.

Mise à jour 2:

Conclusion: it is now an idea exceeded, I think of the blacks are integrated well and respected outside Africa, this prediction will never take place safe in case of grey exceptionally grave for and on the whole planet.

Mise à jour 3:

Merci à vous 2 oui c'est un oral nous devons tirer au sort des sujets. C'est assez dûr :(

4 réponses

  • il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite

    Today I'm going to tell you about Marcus Garvey , Marcus Mosiah Garvey is a Jamaican black man . He was borned in August 17th, 1887 in Saint Of Ann Bay. is a black leader of the XXth century and he is considered as a prophet by the Rastafarian movement ( religious Movement). A prophet is a character considered as a messenger of a divinity, come to prevent, warn or reveal the "truth" to a human group or to everybody.

    He joins the struggle class in his way. He supports Ho Chi Minh, Gandhi, and greets respectfully the work of Lenin and Trotski. But Trotski considers essential the unification of all the oppressed men, and don't dividing them by the color of the skin. Firstly the vision of Garvey passes by the race , a doctrine " black radical nationalist " who sets him(it) against the left intégrationiste movements . Don't believing that Afro-américains could live free and respected outside Africa, he wants to unify internationally the Blacks , And demand the right for the "repatriation" in Africa (in Libéria mostly) Afro-américains of any countries.

    the company Black Star Line was condemned for swindle to exiles it in Jamaica and he becomes a national héro . He dies in London in 1940.

    Conclusion: it is now an idea exceeded, I think of the blacks are integrated well and respected outside Africa, this prediction will never take place safe in case of grey exceptionally grave for and on the whole planet.

    He's Installed in Harlem between 1918 and 1922 and he known all over the world.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    Je ne vais pas corriger ton texte, mais te donner un conseil:

    N'utilise jamais de traducteur automatique, surtout que apparemment, le texte que tu lui a soumis ne devait pas être parfait en français. (ligne 7: tu as tapé "ou" au lieu de "où", résultat tu as "or" au lieu de "where", et oui ...)

    Que ce soit pour un écrit ou pour un oral, tu auras toujours une meilleure note en écrivant quelque chose toi même, avec tes propres mots. L'outil traducteur automatique est loin d'être efficace.

    Alors oui, ça prend plus de temps, mais tu t'achètes ça:

    - un dictionnaire bilingue (Robert et Collins)

    - une grammaire, (ex: la grammaire de l'étudiant, chez Ophrys)

    Et là, t'es prêt.

    Et en plus, tu vas progresser, alors qu'avec le traducteur ... non

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    Now, I'm going to speak about Marcus Garvey.

    MMG is a black man. He was born in Jamaica the 17th of UAgust 1887 in Santa-Ann bay.

    He used to be a great leader (of what ?) during the 20° century (siècles en chiffres Arabes en Anglais). He was considerated as a prophet according to the R. movement, which is a religious movement (where ?)

    A prophet is someone regarded as a messenger sent by a divinity. This kind of character is sent so as to prevent people (from what ? à noter qu'il est inutile de répéter warn derriere, qui signifie la meme chose) or to reveal the truth to the population.

    He arrived in America in 1916 where he met (c'est du passé...) (who ???).

    (Ne veux tu pas dire "il amorça des manifestation ?) : Some riots started in order to...

    He wanted Afro-Americans to assert their rights, and to be freed. (by...)

    In 1917, he created / met (?) UNI associtaion / movement.

    He became a symbol of...

    Then, in 1918, he settled in Harlem for 4 years. He became famous all over the world. (ne pas oublier que "it", c'est pour les objets...)

    He joined this struggle in his own way. He used to back communism since he supported Ho Chi Minh. What's more, he advocates in favour of... .

    But on the other hand, he considered unification of all oppressed people was essential, contrary to Trtoski.

    He obviously considered that separating humans according to their skin's color was an error.


    NB : la gauche aux USA, je crois que c'est les démocrates, mais "left" c'est à eviter.

    He wanted to unify Blacks of the whole world.

    Moreover, he wanted to distribute...

    He was exiled in Jamaica, where he became a famous man (hero). he died...

    To put it in a nutshell, we can say that this idea is no longer acceptable, since Blacks are today integrated in the world. (tu peux aussi donner les limites : il existe toujours malheureusement un certain racisme dans le monde.).

    Je ne comprends pas la fin de ta phrase...


    - Eviter à tout prix le mot à mot ou les logiciels de tradution (pour les phrases entières)

    - Apprendre des structures d'opinion, d'enchainement et essayer de les replacer souvent.

    - Donner son opinion à soi avec ces structures

    C'est important de connaitre ce genre de petites choses, ca fait souvent la différence au bac (je ne connais pas ton niveau), et c'est bien vu pendant les oraux d'examens.

    Bon courage.

    Source(s) : Classe européene de la 4eme à la terminale... maintenant j'ai un peu (beaucoup) perdu.......
  • Luna
    Lv 5
    il y a 1 décennie


    t'as fait de la traduc mot-à-mot?

    c'est peu long de tout retapper mais je serais toi, je m'y reprendrais ...

    c'est pour un oral ?

    Source(s) : mmdrr Vapor la courageuse ;-)
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