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Tabbycat a posé la question dans Computers & InternetHardwareAdd-ons · il y a 1 décennie

Restoring my Dell Dimensions E521?

I am blowing my Dell Dimensions E521 away and I need to know how to set it to factory settings....I have tried to go to the restore date but it wont let me go any eallier then this month (I do not know why) I have to disks that came with it but I am not sure which one to use...

The first one is blue and it says DRIVERS AND UTILITES


I think I use the second one it says on front

the software is already injstalled on your computer. Only use this DVD to reinstall the operating system on a Dell PC

but then it says

This DVD is not for reinstallation of programs or drivers

SO do I use both or what and if so which one do I use first.. Thank you for your help..

2 réponses

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite


    you need the disc marked "OS", just put it into your CD drive and reboot your system again, when it starts form the disc select install, then reformat, then install again, after windows is installed again put the drivers disc into the CD drive and follow the instructions to install all your drivers again, this will do a clean install so "BACKUP" all your stuff first. hope this helps you.

  • Glenn
    Lv 4
    il y a 1 décennie

    Yup... Install Windows (Operating System) first

    Then you once your at your New!!! windows desktop, you must install the drivers to get this like the display adapter, network adapters, etc to work properly.

    There are millions of devices for windows computers, and the windows xp disc can't possibly fit all the instructions (A driver) to make those work on one disc. Sorry thats the simplist definition I could think of.


    I reinstall Windows 1 or 2x a year.

    Oh and shhh! If everyone did this, people wouldn't be buying new PC's every couple of years, and the computer industry will crumble!

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