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Do you think we should spend the same amount of money on NASA as we do on Valentine's day?
NASA will get $17 billion this year and that is the same amount of money the country will spend on Valentine's day this year.
6 réponses
- il y a 1 décennieRéponse favorite
actually I'm glad that on NASA is spent as much money as for a day of love, but would be glad to have more information about what are they doing with those money :)
espesially about Deep Space 1 and what excactly they are doing on moon now :)
- il y a 1 décennie
NASA money is well spent.
Valentine's Day is for pleasure of the youth,we can definitely spend in a controlled fashion on the same.
- jleslie4585Lv 5il y a 1 décennie
I think that's pretty ok, NASA's a worthwhile cause and as twisted as it become, I don't see a problem with having a day for showing the people you care about that you think of them. Equal value in my books.
- AndrewLv 4il y a 1 décennie
As long as it doesn't go to stupid things like reimbursement for a 20 mile car ride to the NASA station.
- Anonymeil y a 1 décennie
Is NASA going to give me sex?.
- Anonymeil y a 1 décennie
Yep! And even more money!