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Melkiha a posé la question dans Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · il y a 1 décennie

Which is your favorite TERRY PRATCHETT book?

Just began reading his books and they are so witty and quirky.

6 réponses

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite

    "Wyrd Sisters" because I love Granny Weatherwax

  • ?
    Lv 4
    il y a 4 ans

    I somewhat adore 'important Regiment' - I study it while i replaced into thirteen and that i remember guffawing on the circulate-gender nature of maximum jokes, being taken aback, feeling completely sympathy for characters... the record is going on. inspite of the undeniable fact that, 'Nightwatch' replaced into certainly one of Pratchett's novels that i in my opinion enjoyed, and nonetheless do, each and every time i re-study it. astounding plot, yet depraved humour in it too. one which will constantly be constantly close to to my coronary heart would be 'the impressive Maurice and his knowledgeable Rodents' - me and my father used to study it collectively in the previous mattress, each and every doing voices and sharing the reading. Plus, whether it fairly is especially geared in the direction of the newborn's marketplace, i've got self belief it fairly is nonetheless relatively available to adults, as an relaxing rapid study. Carpe Jugulum... lower back, dangerously humourous and an marvelous plot like the style of super form of different Pratchett books. Oh, ok - thinking approximately this now, i'm no longer able to %. a ordinary. I do love all of them. :-) have you ever tried the 'Discworld Noir' interest for pc in the previous? Or the 'Discworld - lacking, Presumed ??' they are fairly super! :-)

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    Either Small Gods or Good Omens, but I'm a fan of religious satire. The first book of his I read was Men at Arms, which got me hooked. Everything I've read by him has been decent, if sometimes formulaic.

    I met him once before, nice guy. It's sad that he was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

  • il y a 1 décennie


    I'm not ignorant on mexican preferences, I know it is written in the label if it is margerina or butter; but I'm mexican, living and answering from Mexico, and believe it or not, most (not all) mexican consumers DON'T read the labels and they DON'T know what the difference is between butter (mantequilla in spanish) or margerina (margarina in spanish, as you see the spanish names are similar).

    I DO realize what I'm buying, specially in dairy products (since I'm a dairyman), I've eaten great cheese in USA (in Wisconsin specially), but in Mexico many cheese is NOT actual cheese. We (mexican dairy producers) hate that.

    Excuse me for answer this, wich is not the answer to your question. I'm not offended or anything, I just wanted to let you know that I am NOT ignorant, the question was about "mexican" preferences; and I'm mexican. You may not know it, but most mexican consumers DON'T pay attention to labels (unfortunatelly).

    And about Terry Pratchett: YES, I'm absolutely ignorant (I don't read english books, only in spanish).

  • pms
    Lv 4
    il y a 1 décennie

    I have no favorite. I love them all and have them all. He is the funniest author in the world. If any thing is said to my favorite its that Deaths horse is named Binky. You are in for the best reading you have ever done. You are going to meet some of the best characters you have ever meet.

    Oh! I am so sorry to read what Tank said. Do you know how far it has advances?

  • il y a 1 décennie

    they are all really good

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