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Could this be the reason why the U.S. wont sign up to fight climate change?
In my life time have been involved with small scale farming both in the U.S. and Europe and have noticed the difference between trying to farm on poorer soils and difficult climate in the U.S. compared to here in Europe. This can only be done with the use of chemicals and pesticides over large areas whereas in Europe organic farming is much more viable.
Maybe the reason for our current situation goes back to the time that people started settling the United States, Australia and other areas of the world that were very underpopulated. There was a reason for this under population. Except for the native indians who thrived living a hunter gatherer existence there were very few people living in the North American continent. This also applies to the Australian continent. These were not parts of the planet that could naturally sustain a large population living a formal settled, agricultural existence as had been done for centuries in the more amenable climates and soils of Europe and Africa. Maybe these lands were better farmed as the original native people farmed. Using permaculture where the soils were not disturbed to a great extent and a more nomadic lifestyle.
In order to live and thrive in hostile climates and conditions the original settlers from Europe had to conquer the land. Natural fauna and flora eliminated so that the new settlers could live the kind of existence they wanted. From then on more and more abuse was heaped on their new continents. It became very necessary to use fossil fuels with the resultant pollution in order survive there. No wonder the U.S. will not contemplate changing the way they live as this would threaten their very existence on the their continent. It is not that they are greedy or uncaring but that they have to live like that in order to survive in on their land. It is not the poor of the world who will be the first victims of climate change but people living in places where human existence is not viable without polluting and destroying much of the environment they live in. If this is not the case I challenge the people of the North American continent to make the changes that are increasingly being made on the other side of the Atlantic with very little ill affect. There is a reason you found these empty lands waiting for you but by trying to live in great numbers in areas of the world that are not viable for such population you are destroying the whole planet.
This is just a theory I have been thinking about while trying to explain why some people refuse to take this issue seriously. Would be glad to hear what others think.
2 réponses
- Anonymeil y a 1 décennieRéponse favorite
Nope. The reason is Bush. he won't sign ANY treaty, such as the Kyoto treaty because it would ruin him and all his oil buddies in Texas. Why do you think we are in this war in Iraq? Its not to spread freedom, thats for sure. Its to protect the oil.
- Ard-DruiLv 5il y a 1 décennie
It is very easy and economical to Farm without Chemicals. We actually train our Peace Corp to teach others how to Farm without destroying the Environment, make Compost, keep Nitrogen pollution out of Water supplies-Now, at the end of the Reign of Mad King Bush (who is actually King Wuss) people here are taking matters into their own hands, at the Polls.
The Land here was, and still is actually superior to Western Europe and Africa in the main, because of the fact that it was Virgin, unlike depleted Old World Soils. The Climate is very good, but the best Farming land is converted to Housing, as flat is good for Developers.
The problem is MultiNational, and will be addresed by the next President-whoever He, or She is.
As far as Population and Pollution, you might want to look at Asia, and the Indian SubContinent-Duh! Africa is Rising in both Population and Pollution, South America the same so, you can see that while you are correct about North America leading the way on ignoring Kyoto, you are certainly incorrect on your assumptions about Population, Soil Fertilty, and Viability.
I accept your Challenge (we are Organic Farmers, and only need help from the Administration to be #1, as America once was.)