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Melkiha a posé la question dans TravelAsia PacificJapan · il y a 1 décennie

Should I buy stuff at Costco while in Japan?

Stuff such as sake, rice cakes, etc.

5 réponses

  • il y a 1 décennie
    Réponse favorite

    I havent noticed a big price difference among Japanese manufactured goods. ( I go to Costco every month)

    If you want sake, rice cakes and other Japanese foods, you should checkout a local supermarket (for the rice cakes) or discount shops like "Liquer Mountain" or "Japan" for alcohol. They have weekly specials on different sakes and the prices are pretty good.

    Also, I noticed Costco doesnt carry a wide variety of Japanese sake, so your choices will be limited.

    You should definitely stay away from "hyakaten" department stores ie; Kintetsu, Takashimaya, Daimaru, Matsuzakaya, Seibu, Tobu, etc... as they sell the same goods at an inflated price.

    Good shopping!

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    Costco is cheap and the quality reasonable you could do

    a lot worse here in Japan. Overall Japan is a great place to


    Source(s) : I live in Japan
  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    Sure if you need a lot of that stuff. I live in Japan and I love shopping at Costco.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    definitely. If its cheap and you want the item then go for it! It definitely does pay to shop around in Japan though - shops can vary greatly in price for the same item.

  • Anonyme
    il y a 1 décennie

    yes why not

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