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Tickets useable on all trains?
If I buy a ticket from my station to one "down the road", can I hop on any train that arrives that's going to stop there? (We have two companies running trains over the same route, one a local one and one Virgin Cross Country)
3 réponses
- mintycakeyfroggyLv 6il y a 1 décennieRéponse favorite
Yes the only time when you can't is if your buying from a specific company these are usually only for advanced or specially discounted tickets.
- Anonymeil y a 1 décennie
yes you can travel on any train. which runs on the same track.
- il y a 1 décennie
I suppose so my dad is a conductor so he will know but he's not here at the moment, but I'm pretty sure you can.
Source(s) : My dad