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Lv 2316 points


Réponses favorites27%
  • What shade of blue is the Army dress blue uniform (jacket and pants)?

    I am a groomsman in a friend of mine's wedding coming up. The groom and the rest of the groomsmen are all enlisted and wearing their dress blues. I was told I could wear whatever I wanted but I thought I would look a little less out of place if I at least matched the color of what the rest of the guys are wearing.

    4 réponsesMilitaryil y a 8 ans
  • How can I make Quest for Glory work on vista?

    I found an old cd that has the sierra games Quest For Glory 1-4 on it but vista is being dumb. Does anyone know what I might have to do to make vista run older DOS games?



    1 réponseVideo & Online Gamesil y a 1 décennie
  • I want to lose fat, bulk up, and tone. Whats the best way?

    Let me start with some backround info. I am 27, I am borderline overweight(about 20% body fat), I go to the gym regularly, I use creatine, glutamine, and whey protien, I drink plenty of water(about 1.5 to 2 gallons a day) and lately I have been eating very healthy(lots of vegitables and lean meats, reduced carbs and very little sugar). My goals are to bulk up, tone, and lose the fat.

    Is there any way to accomplish all these goals at the same time, or should I only work on one at a time?

    Also, does anyone know of any suppliments out there that actually work based on personal experience?

    3 réponsesDiet & Fitnessil y a 1 décennie