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slim quick side effects?
I started taking Slim QUick a week and a half ago, I lost 4 lbs and was ok. It didn't make me hyper or anything, actually felt tired instead. 5 days ago I started feeling so tired. 3 days ago I started feeling exhausted, irritable and depressed. I couldn't think much less do school work. This morning I woke up feeling terrible, angry exhausted and light headed. I was my arms were shaking and I felt lightheaded and dizzy. Around noon I felt nauseous and sick. I have not taken it today at all. I had lots of liquids and some food. Has anyone felt sideffects from Slim Quick?? maybe it's something else.
3 réponsesDiet & Fitnessil y a 8 ansHow to safely get rid of ants?
There are ants taking over. All over my house! kitchen bathroom living room, all over. Scattered, not many in one place at once. I spray with insect spray, but I am tired of the sticky oily spray, especially when on furniture. But in the kitchen... I am hestinat to spray where food is, where are plates are. I am loosing my mind, they got into my cereal too, and I had that clipped closed! They are getting everywhere! and the ant traps (2 different brands) seem to be a snack for them. GRRRR anybody know a safe way to get them gone?
3 réponsesOther - Home & Gardenil y a 10 anssnap button jeans for someone with arthritis?
Dad wants some pants that have snap buttons instead of regular ones, because the arthritis in his fingers make it difficult to maneuver buttons. Last I knew I had some pants like that in the 70's when I was a kid. I can't find them now. Any options? thanks
2 réponsesFashion & Accessoriesil y a 1 décenniejobs in adult chat lines or adult texting?
Anyone know of a real company that has jobs involving adult chat or adult texting? I found some links online but the info is old. Other links just take you to all kinds of random pages and you never get to the point.
1 réponseSingles & Datingil y a 1 décenniecan an Army officer date an enlisted Airforce?
Do Fraternization rules apply outside your branch of service? or only within your branch? I would appreciate an informed answer please.
10 réponsesMilitaryil y a 1 décennieMy little dog is sick she seems to be hurting, but nothing is broken. Could it be a stomach ache?
I gave her mighty dog yesterday (she usually eats kibbles and bits) . She was fine, and played last night with the cats. This morning, she was tired and quiet. After work (I work at home) I went to the store to get her some Dog Chow. when I got back she didn't get up as usual. Her eyes look sad. her tail down, her ears down. She wouldn't even come to the kitchen. I took her there, she ate a few bites. She walks like she is hurting, I checked her body and no place I touch makes her yelp. She is sleeping now, I gave her 1/4 slice of bread she ate it well. She has a normal amount of pee and poop on her puppy pad. Maybe missing one poop. I want to give her some PeptoBismol. I suspect her stomasch hurts. ANy vets or Vet assistants out there? please? I live in California. Vets are closed I am in a small town. and I can't afford to take her to the animal hospital in Riverside as an emergency. She is calm, so I am not sure it is an emergency. Advice please? ANd please, I am serious, no silly answers or hate mail.
6 réponsesDogsil y a 1 décennieAnyone else having problems with Facebook lately?
It is not loading properly or not at all. it says something about transport error. It also says it isn't redirecting properly.
1 réponseFacebookil y a 1 décenniehow do you clear cookies from an iBook?
My computer is going really slow and sticks a lot. I "clear private data" from Firefox, but I don't know how to clear the cookies from the computer. I don't know much about computers, just the basics.
1 réponseLaptops & Notebooksil y a 1 décennieWhat kind of bird is this please?
What kind of bird is this?
Please don't tell me I shouldn't have picked it up. It was in a city, on the street, not in a natural habitat. It doesn't fly, if I release it where it was found, a dog, cat or car will get it. I just want to know what to feed it. Tomorow, when the humane society opens, I can consult with them. Please no rude comments, I am a responsible adult trying to help, not a kid abducting a playtoy.
The pet store sold me some duck food, it doesn't want it. I am getting ready to feed it baby goldfish with a clothespin, and/or live worms.
2 réponsesZoologyil y a 1 décennieWhat to feed a baby Heron?
I found a baby Heron down the street from my house, on the sidewalk. It is the size of about a Chihuahua dog. Long neck, baby fuzz under the feathers. It has brown/tan feathers, no tail. It skips and hops but doesn't fly. What should I feed it? I have been giving it water, and set a bowl of it in a large cage with it. I am now researching Herons on the internet. That is my closest guess. Unless it's a crane. Still their diet should be similar. It says here Krill and fish or frogs or mammals. Where do I get this and how do I give it to it? I can get baby feeder fish at Wal-mart. Should I get that and put it in the bowl for it? Or do they need to be hand fed?
5 réponsesBirdsil y a 1 décenniewhat hair color causes less damage?
I have been dying my hair for about 5 years. It's been fine until now. I don't know what went wrong. I use Preference and Excellence. Two dyes ago I used something different. The name escapes me, I've used it before with no problem though.
Now my hair is like straw, I don't see split ends, just really dry. I need to dye it again.
I heard something about a dye that actually improves hair and takes less time to dye. Does anyone remember what it is?
Usually after a month, my hair gets a little stringy and looks washed out, if I dye it again it becomes soft and shiny again.
P.S. My hair is long, almost to my waist, so I can't afford to dye it in a salon. I only dye the top half each month. I dye the whole hair only once every 3 months or so. I don't want to cause unnecessary damage to all the hair all the time. (if that makes sense)
3 réponsesHairil y a 1 décennieAny psychic or sensitive out there please? need advice. (long)?
I don't even know where to start. I will start with yesterday.
My husband seems to know about things that will happen. When he was a child he started showing this ability. I think he told me about three different deaths before they happened, but he did not see it. I saw it in the pictures I took, I could tell by the way he looked. (I am very sensitive).
Once he told me to move the car from where I usually parked it at home, I asked why, he said he did not know, just move it. I did, and about less than 10 minutes later a car plowed into the tree right where my car would've been.
He also told me on a New Year's Eve that the coming year would be difficult. I did not believe it but it was just as he said. He also told me he was afraid that his mom would be die soon. She died last year, he told me this a few years before. Now he said he feels something very bad is coming. But he doesn't know what it is he tried to explain it last night, he said it's bad. He has had this feeling since a couple of months ago, I asked why he didn't say anything, he said he wasn't sure it was real, but now he feels it more.
My question is: How can we develop this sense so we can understand the warnings we get? How can we "see" more clearly?
I am very sensitive, I have dreamed that my mom, my grandma, 2 of my aunts, my ex husbands grandfather, and my brother in law, I dreamed that they died before they did. I knew it was coming. I have been telling people when this happens.
When I dreamed my brother in law died, I told his sister and my husband. They said, "he is sick, and you know his liver is bad, it's bound to happen, but not now". I told them it was not his liver, that it was going to be something that happened unexpectedly, that he would be in the hospital, and that I saw how upset his wife was. I also asked to keep it to themselves please. (no need to scare people, and we can't change things).
It happened exactly that way in January. We did not realize the coincidence until last night when we were talking.
Yesterday my husband told me about an incident at work. His nephew is 19 and works with him, they work construction. His nephew dropped something heavy and almost got hurt. My husband told him "I already lost my mom and my brother last year, be careful! I don't need to loose you". This happened at 12:00. At 12:02, right after that, his nephew's phone rang, he said "uncle, you're calling me!". He answered: "how? I'm here my phone is in my tool box". He looked at the phone, and went to get his. In fact the phones had registered the call on both phones. We are all stumped on this one.
His phone is slider phone, you cannot dial someone if you don't slide the phone open, so even a small tremor couldn't have dialed. and why that number? You could even drop the phone and it won't just dial someone.
Please help us use our abilities properly or direct us to where we can learn how to. We can feel and see things and we don't know how to access them or use them, sometimes even understand them.
4 réponsesMythology & Folkloreil y a 1 décennieCan I use Turtle Wax over Ice?
I have been using rain X car shampoo, and Ice for wax on my car since I bought it last September. I am worried that Ice is not protecting the paint as I would like it to. I saw a tiny speck of clear coat come off. Would it be bad if I use Turtle was paste wax over the Ice?
I just applied it this past Sunday. (the Ice) I like Ice a lot, and it was recommended by my brother in law. But I worry about the paint, I want to protect it so it doesn't peel or burn. Also, it bugs me that I get swirls even after buffing with a soft cloth.
Additional info: My car is parked out on the street because it doesn't fit in the driveway, it's black, which doesn't help because you can see the tiniest bit of dust on it.
3 réponsesMaintenance & Repairsil y a 1 décennieWhat is "Ataque de nervios"?
I was wondering if it would be an anxiety attack. And also, what is "estoy mala de los nervios".
1 réponseLanguagesil y a 1 décennieDoes anyone know, What is "Dar heebies"?
Does anyone know what this means or in what language it is? I spelled it the way it sounded. It could be darr heebies, or der heebies, No clue. please help. Thanks!
1 réponseLanguagesil y a 1 décennieWhen your hair stands on end, is it a ghost touching you?
I don't know how to explain it. I keep feeling my hair stand up, only on one side of my head. I used to believe that means someone who has passed (a ghost) would come and touch you to tell you they are there or to get your attention. That's what I was told a long time ago. But now, it's happening for the last 2 days more than ever, and my dog doesn't seem worried. Usually when there is a spirit, my cat's hair stands on end and they stare at something I can't see. (And yes, I caught something on camera when the cat acted up and I took a picture)
Anybody else have had this happen? Is my dog just not afraid of whatever it is? Or can something else be causing my hair to stand on end?
6 réponsesMythology & Folkloreil y a 1 décennieWhat could be causing difficulty swallowing?
I know there are many possibilities. It feels like all of a sudden I forget how to swallow and I choke on foods or liquids. Sometimes it's so extreme I can't eat or drink anything for a day. Next day I can sip on Gatorade or something like that, and nibble on chips. After a few days I can eat a little more food, but each time I have an episode like that, when I get better, I don't get completely back to normal. So I am able to eat very small portions of food carefully even when well. I hate being like this. I saw the doctor, anxiety was ruled out, and I was seen by a gastroenterologist who said it may be GERD. But I have been taking the medication and following the diet the doctor suggested. I still have this difficulty swallowing, and sometimes it's bad.
I am taking Prilosec and Prozac. When I started with this problem I was on Wellbutrin. I had to change meds so I could have the Prozac in liquid form so I could swallow it. I was off the Wellbutrin for a few months since I started with this problem.
3 réponsesOther - Healthil y a 1 décennieAnyone on Prozac, how long to feel the effects?
I am taking Prozac, 20 mg. liquid, once in the morning. It's been about a week. I am trying to make myself think I am feeling better. How long before I feel any effect? All I have felt is very tired in the afternoon. I have been sleeping after work for about an hour. (I set the alarm, I don;t want to sleep too much). Then I am groggy for about 2 hours after that. I am so off track right now, but I am able to do more than I did before the medication. After I wake up in the evening I have been able to catch up: now I am making myself clean one thing a day. (bathroom, cat litter, bedroom, etc.) The weeks before the medication I would just curl up on the couch, then get up and make dinner, then back to the couch. I was crabby and snapped at my husband a lot, I was very impatient. I still am a little stressed and crabby though. I want to get better.
9 réponsesMental Healthil y a 1 décennieAre Chihuahuas naturally a bit smelly?
I've had dogs (many) before. My first time having a Chihuahua. She had this wonderful puppy smell. At 4 months now she is getting this sweaty smell, kind of fishy at times. I bathed her, and a day later, she smelled funny again. Not too bad, just a little strong of a smell. Are they supposed to be that way? She lives inside by the way. I keep her bedding washed and clean.
I bought some dogie wipes, not sure about them, never used them before. They promised to keep my dog shinny and smelling fresh. (ha, ha) I love the part where she will be shinny.
5 réponsesDogsil y a 1 décennieI drink a glass or wine at bedtime, can I take Prozac in the mornings?
I don't drink much, just a glass of wine at night, half a glass with soda, twice at the most. I was taking Wellbutrin, but I want something that is easier to swallow. So I was going to ask my doctor to switch me to Prozac, I heard they have a liquid form. Doctor knows about the wine at night, and I never had a problem with Wellbutrin. Is it going to be a problem with Prozac? I want to know from anybody who has taken it or has direct knowledge of this, not speculations. I cannot sleep well at night, my doctor asked if I wanted to take sleeping pills or conintue with the wine. I chose the wine, I hate pills.
3 réponsesMental Healthil y a 1 décennie