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Crazy Diamond
My wireless network adapter's antennae became severed. How do I go about fixing it?
The antennae casing was crushed when I ran over it with a chair. Now all I have as about 3/4ths of the original wire without a casing, although the soft plastic housing the wire is still intact. The reception used to be about double that of what it is now(it went from 5 bars to 2). I've tried splicing the antennae my radio has to the exposed wire with tape but it didn't improve. I don't have a solder.
Thanks so much
1 réponseComputer Networkingil y a 10 ansWith advertising for someone, what percentage per sale should I ask?
I'm helping out a business owner by advertising online for her. I'll be getting a percentage per online sale I accumulate through the special code that will be input to the website, by the customer.
I don't want to sound like I don't know where to start, so any tips? Thanks so much.
1 réponseOther - Advertising & Marketingil y a 1 décennieWhat are the main differences in parenting between Canada and the U.S.?
I need to know the differences in child rearing between Canada and the U.S. for a book report. It's hard to find information on the topic.
Citations accepted and encouraged.
Thanks a lot.
3 réponsesParentingil y a 1 décennieA retarded dilemma on how to save an mp3.?
Well, I have a non-linked url .mp3 file(won't allow me to right-click on it). I need to save this file. Naturally, I entered it into my url and had quicktime's plug-in play it through my browser. As I'm not a 'PRO' mac user and I don't feel like ******* paying $7.99 to become a 'PRO' it won't allow me to save the file to a specified location through their plug-in, which is bullshit. Of course, I could go through my cookies and copy it from there but I would rather not, instead I would like to know if there were an easier alternative. Maybe through CMD prompt or run? PC user here.
I know that since I'm linking it right here I will have a chance to right click it and save it but, I still stand by my original question for future reference.
Thank you.
2 réponsesOther - Computersil y a 1 décennieIf I needed 22.6 grams of nutmeg, how much mL, cups or oz would I need?
Thank you very much.
3 réponsesCooking & Recipesil y a 1 décennieWhat's that anime that has a kid riding around with a golden bat on roller skates killing people?
It was on AdultSwim about 1-2 years ago. Thanks :)
3 réponsesComics & Animationil y a 1 décennieHave any free GIF software?
I'm wanting to create some .gifs but I don't have the appropriate software, can you point me in the right direction? Not looking to pay for anything and no trials.
3 réponsesProgramming & Designil y a 1 décennieHow do I make music from my computer go straight to my mic?
Self explanatory.
2 réponsesSoftwareil y a 1 décennieI can't get my second monitor to work.?
I've tried hooking up my second monitor in a dual-monitor configuration but for some reason I can't enable the second screen. I've gone to display properties, looked for an "enable second monitor" button ect ect. Went to my Nvidia video card software to see if I could enable it there, no luck, I found the category and there was an option to make it so I could get my second monitor to mimic what my primary monitor is showing, it worked but thats not what I need done. I want the display mode that allows me to scroll across screens. I went to windows troubleshooting and it asked if I had installed the hardware for it, it walked me through it but I couldn't find my monitor on the list of available things to install. So I ask you, why was I able to display the secondary monitor with the mimic feature but not able to activate the dual-monitor feature?
4 réponsesMonitorsil y a 1 décennieIs there a way to screencapture a whole internet page, not only the screen part?
Be it software or not I'm looking for an easy way to screen cap a whole internet page. Thank you :D
3 réponsesSoftwareil y a 1 décennieI can't move any icons on my desktop.?
For some odd reason I can not move an icon, not only on my desktop but in the window for folders. I'm a computer geek, I usually don't run into these kind of problems, didn't download any viruses. I AM able to delete items on my desktop ect and right click ect. Thanks
2 réponsesDesktopsil y a 1 décennieWhat are some good trance/techno/home bands that have a singer?
I'm looking for a band that has a sound that makes you sort of drift off, if you know what I mean. Thanks in advance.
4 réponsesOther - Musicil y a 1 décennieWhere can I find a comic/vid/set of pictures of the Batman Green Lantern?
picture here:
2 réponsesComics & Animationil y a 1 décennieSome sweet amateur photoshopping of Venice, I did
Any tips or spotters would be very helpful.
6 réponsesPhotographyil y a 1 décennieWhere can I find a photoshop CS3 walkthrough/tutorial for free, online?
Thanks. It's a hard program to understand if you're new to the business.
3 réponsesSoftwareil y a 1 décennieHow do I make it so that "Backspace" doesn't make me go back one page in Firefox 3
Thank you.
1 réponseSoftwareil y a 1 décennieDoes anyone know of any emulators that can play metroid, mario, or megaman?
I'm looking for an emulator for those games. If you could give me a link to the emulator and ROM, that would be very helpful.ty
2 réponsesVideo & Online Gamesil y a 1 décennieIs there a law against "pirating" albums through torrents?
2 réponsesComics & Animationil y a 1 décennieWhat are some good video editing software that I am able to download for free?
Hi, I just want to put a video on youtube, and I need to add some sound to it and edit a bit out. I don't need anything that fancy but something that is user friendly and is simple. Thank you very much.
1 réponseSoftwareil y a 1 décennieWant some simple multiple choice math techniques?
Try to find the answer to this multiple choice question without anything to work with, try not to just flat out quess, use logical reasoning.
1. ab + c = d
2. ab + ac = d
3. a + ac> 0
4. ab < d
Can't figure out the answer?
Well, it's quite easy actually, first thing you want to do is look for patterns, notice how there are 3 "ab" in #'s 1,2, and 4? That means that it can't possibly be #3, now #4 doesn't look anything like #1 or #2 so that one is out of the picture also, now you are left with #1 and 2. Now look for more patterns between them, notice how #2 and #3 both have "ac", that means you can eliminate #1 cause it's the odd one out. Pretty much what you are doing is looking for patterns and amounts to find the odd ones out. This is very helpful on math finals. Hope I helped in someway.
1 réponseMathematicsil y a 1 décennie