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Réponses favorites22%
  • I need a little bit of Modem Help?

    I have a Motorola SB4200 Cable Surfboard Modem that when I plug it in, it doesn't pass from the "Send" light, thus not letting me on the internet. It was working fine until now, I was wondering, since there is no reset on the modem, is there a way I could reset it from my PC? Or, another way to reset it? The modem only has a standby button which does nothing, any help or anything I should do? Thank you. I've tried unplugging it for various hours and plugging it back in, and nothing.

    1 réponseComputer Networkingil y a 1 décennie
  • iPod Touch Question, please help?

    Okay, my iPod touch has software 1.1.5, and I'd like to update to 2.2.1, I can't do it from iTunes because it says I have to purchase 3.1.2, and I don't want to purchase that software, I just want to update to 2.2.1 so I could so something, my iPod is a 1G 8GB touch, Anyone know how to?

    1 réponseMusic & Music Playersil y a 1 décennie
  • Please help with internet trouble?

    Whenever I'm surfing the internet, and I go to a random site, sometimes I get the "Server not Found" message, but when I click retry, it goes to the website. I mean, there's nothing wrong but it's really annoying, does anyone know how to get rid of it?

    2 réponsesOther - Internetil y a 1 décennie
  • What is wrong with my computer sound?

    Hello, guys.

    My computer sound seems to be going through a bit of trouble.

    Sometimes, I open up programs such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, Rhapsody, programs of that nature. Whenever I try to play a song, the song mark will just stay in 0:00 and nothing will play. Then, when I go to sites such as YouTube and other video sites, the videos play, however I can't hear anything. Same for other non-video streaming sites. This could be fixed with a simple restart, when I restart the sound is fine. However, it goes back to that sometimes out of nowhere. It has been happening for about 3 weeks now, I've never had this problem before. Any help? All my speakers are plugged in, and yes, I've checked the volume. It isn't that problem. and sure, even though it's fixed by restart, I'm concerned something might be up, and I'm running MagicJack, so it's a pain in the *** to be restarting.

    2 réponsesOther - Computersil y a 1 décennie