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I need a sugar free cake recipe for a birthday party! It has to taste GREAT!?
I have a great frosting recipe, but every sugar free cake recipe I find has bazaar stuff in it that I have to buy, and will never use again! I need something SIMPLE! I have never made a sugar free cake before, I am actually making cupcakes. So I need a recipe that takes average ingredients, but that is sugar free! Please help! And once again, it has to taste GREAT! Thanks!
2 réponsesCooking & Recipesil y a 1 décennieWhat is up with boys wanting to look like girls?
All these guys now wearing their little sister's jeans, their hair so long and in their face, WTF. I saw 2 boys at the swimming pool and I couldn't tell if they were boys or girls! Untill I realized they were not wearing shirts! WTF! I understand ALL of our teenage styles were weird to other generations.....But wanting to look like your little sis, I just don't understand!! Boys, MAN UP!!
4 réponsesOther - Society & Cultureil y a 1 décennieDoes tofu have any nutritional value?
A girlfriend gave me some tofu noodles to try. This being my first time EVER trying tofu.. I can't say I will ever do it again! But, I am curious, souly because my kids LOVED it, just exactly how much nutrition does it have. I know people say it is high in protein, but this only has 1 gram per serving, which isn't all that great! Do people eat it souly because it is low in calories? Or is it truely great for your daily diet?
8 réponsesVegetarian & Veganil y a 1 décennieHow long do you have to register a vehicle?
I just bought a car from a nieghbor. I don't quite hae the money to register it now because of no job. I don't see the point registering it right now unless I am going to drive it. But with no job, I am really not going to drive it. I bought it because I wanted a car for when I get a job.
2 réponsesOther - Cars & Transportationil y a 1 décennie