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how do i prepare for court?
i mean all i got is my clothes...is there something else i need to bring? im going in for battery.
2 réponsesLaw & Ethicsil y a 9 ansHelp...how do I deal with this cat that tries to mate with me?
This cat has constantly been rubbing its **** against me, spreading its juices. I don't know if all cats do that or this cat is just weird, but its 1 year old and it hasnt seen the light of day in ages since it always tries to hide under the house. I came to live in this house a week ago. Please...how do I get it to stop? I've been tossing it aside.
To people think I'm a troll:
3 réponsesCatsil y a 9 answhy do i know nothing when i wake up?
When I wake up I always look at everything and get curious by 3 dimensional figures like someone on weed. But I think 'nothing', like no words will come to my head. After a few seconds I go something like "English. There is English. Wall. I have a name" and then I remember significant events in my life.
1 réponsePsychologyil y a 9 ansis this truck a good deal?
Its a 1996 Nissan pickup for 2500. My friend says it runs completely well so lets assume that. 220k miles ran.
1 réponseBuying & Sellingil y a 9 ansis this cat seriously trying to mate with me?
3 days ago I moved to this house. My friend told me her cat was in heat. This cat has been constantly rubbing its face against me and hump me with all 4 legs. Right now its butt is touching me with its tail waving and back legs up with its front legs down. It has been in that position for 10min. It has also constantly licked its genitals and made sure I got the full view. And it has licked me excessively, especially my crotch area
5 réponsesCatsil y a 9 answhat the heck is this in my mouth?
I got in a fight and got a pretty deep cut. 4 days later I notice these white marks besides the cut. What are they? They feel like ulcers
3 réponsesDentalil y a 9 ansrecommend me any colleges with good art programs?
i want to major in graphics design.
preferably in either louisiana or florida, maybe even california, but it doesnt have to be
low tuition costs are also nice, but not necessary
2 réponsesHigher Education (University +)il y a 9 answhats happening to my computer?
sometimes, my monitor just goes all static--like when u flip to a blank channel on tv
and it also has this weird visual bug from time to time:
2 réponsesOther - Computersil y a 9 ansis moving gears while you're in movement safe?
like, if im backing up in reverse, is it okay for me to put it back into drive, then tap the accelerator so it will slowly stop then go forward? or would it be better to switch, brake, then accelerate? i always do the first, but then my brother told me that i could break the transmission by doing that
5 réponsesSafetyil y a 10 ansis it ok if im worried about my sister?
she is going to school today. she's 4, but cant talk in sentences. she still speaks gibberish and babbles. but she knows what some things are, her ABC's (although i dont think she actually knows what they are), and how to count to 20.
1 réponseFamilyil y a 10 answhat classes do i have to take to become a graphic designer?
and how long does it usually take to become one?
and student loans--about how much do u pay per month?
1 réponseDrawing & Illustrationil y a 10 ansis it true that in minecraft u load blocks below u?
like, from your location, and all the blocks below u, even complicated mines.
so if you have a flat ground in the surface, but if u look down u lag because underneath you're basically looking at loaded terrain.
and if that's true then would filling that area with dirt fix that problem?
2 réponsesVideo & Online Gamesil y a 10 anscan i play borderlands with my friends?
im out their house, got my pc and it has borderlands
yet they have borderlands on the xbox
is it possible to play with each other?
2 réponsesVideo & Online Gamesil y a 1 décenniewhats better-radeon 3800 or 4200?
1 réponseOther - Hardwareil y a 1 décennieis there such a thing as "true randomization" in coding?
like...a computer could pick out of its own, not requiring psuedo-random generators
2 réponsesProgramming & Designil y a 1 décenniehow does a computer obtain a "random" answer?
like, a random number generator. to get a random number, how does it do it? does it pick a number out of the blue, or is there some string of code and complex calculations that lead it to pick a number (which, by in this case, isn't really 'random')
6 réponsesProgramming & Designil y a 1 décenniedoes anyone know the title of this book?
it was about a white boy and an old african american who gets stranded on an island. i think the african american takes care of the boy, and a hurricane or something comes...and so the boy has to take care of him. i think the boy also becomes blind.
3 réponsesBooks & Authorsil y a 1 décenniewhats wrong with my honda accord?
there's a wrench lit up on the top left
and i just noticed that on the dashboard it says service b.
that's not much to work with to answer but that's all im seeing.
2 réponsesHondail y a 1 décenniehow do i become a 2d animator?
i'm very aware of the fact that it's a very competitive job but what training and classes should i take before i become one?
2 réponsesDrawing & Illustrationil y a 1 décenniewho are the characters shown on anilinkz.com 's banner?
1 réponseComics & Animationil y a 1 décennie