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Can't download NHS test&trace for Android. On www.nhs.uk/apps-library, links to AppStore and GooglePlay, say not compatible with my device?
I have also tried following the instructions, searching on Google Play but when I typed in the search term "NHS COVID-19" the app didn't appear in the search results.
1 réponseGoogleil y a 7 moisWhat is your favourite movie with Willem Dafoe?
For me, "The Lighthouse" is his best starring role, "Grand Budapest Hotel" is his best supporting role.
13 réponsesMoviesil y a 8 moisWhat is your favourite Bradley Cooper movie?
Mine is "American Sniper" for the time being, but I'm set to watch "Silver Linings Playbook" this weekend, so that may change!
7 réponsesMoviesil y a 8 moisWhat is your favourite movie starring Amy Adams?
For me it would be The Master, followed by Arrival.
16 réponsesMoviesil y a 9 moisWhat is your favourite movie starring Naomi Watts?
9 réponsesMoviesil y a 9 moisSomething weird has happened to Yahoo Mail inbox. Tickbox/checkbox won't work, so can't select multiple messages to delete. Any suggestions?
If I click on the little square box on the left of the message header, it doesn't check the box, it just opens the message. So now I can only delete them one by one.
1 réponseOther - Internetil y a 1 anHow suspicious would you be if someone promised to get you a large Council Tax refund for a £150 up-front fee?
This story has appeared in a number of local newspapers: "Sedgemoor District Council is warning residents not to be taken in by a company claiming to be acting on behalf of the authority. Residents have told the council that GSM Marketing - telephone number 0203861633 - have called them and is charging a £150 up-front fee which is taken from people’s bank accounts and card details in return for ‘lowering their council tax band’."
My next-door neighbour was cold-called by this firm and they insisted they could get him money back even though he is already in band A and has the single occupancy discount.
5 réponsesCurrent Eventsil y a 3 ansShould we all adopt the following definition of "Far Right", so as to prevent people being unfairly branded with the term?
Jean-Yves Camus and Nicolas Lebourg:
1) Far-Right movements challenge the political system in place, both its institutions and its values (political liberalism and egalitarian humanism).
2) They feel that society is in a state of decay, which is exacerbated by the state: accordingly, they take on what they perceive to be a redemptive mission.
3) They constitute a countersociety and portray themselves as an alternative elite.
Their internal operations rest not on democratic rules but on the emergence of “true elites.”
4) In their imagination, they link history and society to archetypal figures and glorify irrational, nonmaterialistic values. 5)They reject the geopolitical order as it exists.
3 réponsesCurrent Eventsil y a 3 ans14 year old female impersonator prevented from performing a Rupaul tribute drag act at a school talent show. Your thoughts on this?
The school's head teacher said it was "age-inappropriate", according to Metro News. Victory for common sense or bigotry?
5 réponsesPolls & Surveysil y a 3 ansThe Quilliam Foundation, the well-known liberal Muslim think-tank, is "Islamophobic", according to this law professor. Beyond satire?
Just when I thought the Guardian couldn't shred its credibility any further:
"Maajid Nawaz leverages his status as a “former Islamist”, brown skin and an affiliation with Harris, to peddle Islamophobia within largely cosmopolitan circles and liberal audiences. His Quilliam Foundation adopts the Islamophobic tenet that radicalization is a uniquely Muslim phenomenon, and Nawaz has stated that “Islamism is the biggest form of extremism”, endorsing destructive policing programs that have eroded the civil liberties of Muslims in the United Kingdom. With the help of Harris, Nawaz has extended his native informant reach into the United States."
5 réponsesMedia & Journalismil y a 3 ansDo you think the Tory Party's biggest problem is that they are "dour, joyless and authoritarian"? Ruth Davidson seems to think so?
I mean, Corbyn and Thornberry are a right old barrel of laughs, aren't they? And as for "authoritarian", remind me which party it was that created 3000 new criminal offences, on-the-spot fines for littering and swearing, ASBOs, detention without charge, and undermined judicial independence with the Human Rights Act?
8 réponsesCurrent Eventsil y a 3 ansHow many economic recessions have there been since 1900? And were they all global recessions or were some just in one country?
I went to a public lecture where the speaker said there had been one every decade, is this correct? I've never heard of there being a recession in the 1950s or 60s.
1 réponseEconomicsil y a 4 ansCan I get kill moss on a lawn without using toxic chemicals?
2 réponsesGarden & Landscapeil y a 4 ansConstitutionally, can the President get the border wall built just by executive order without the approval of Congress?
Sorry if this is a naive question. I'm neither for nor against the wall - I'm not American so it doesn't affect me. But I am genuinely surprised that such a big project can be commenced by executive order. All the more so since Obama was criticised for over-using executive orders so I thought Trump would do just the opposite.
9 réponsesPoliticsil y a 4 ans